Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


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Schauplatz International


Free Keiko

Keiko is a movie star. He is the whale in the series of films Free Willy. The story of the real Keiko reunites with fiction, and, just like in the movie, he is set free. But his freedom will be his end. His prior domestication hadn't prepared him for life in the wild; he succumbs to pneumonia in December 2003, in Norway. The irony of the situation makes up the show, questioning authenticity, nature and freedom. The performers coach the (amateur) actors during the show, providing for comical situations and further development of the themes.

Belluard Bollwerk
  • Tue 6.7. 20:15 - 22:15

Avec: Martin Bieri, Anna-Lisa Ellend, Albert Liebl, Lars Studer, Juliane Werner, Matthias Wyder, Joey Zimmermann & invités Co-production: Podewil Berlin/Schlachthaus Bern Soutien: Office de la culture de la ville de Berne, Office de la culture du canton de Berne/SWISSLOS, Migros Pour-cent culturel, commune de Berne

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