Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


Amund Sjølie Sveen


Economic Theory for Dummies

The rethoric of economic theory is present in our consciousness and in the media, but reality is several steps ahead. Performer and musician Amund Sjolie Sveen wonders whether economists are the right people to answer questions in this field. With a lucid, communicative and entertaining manner, he attempts to divulge complex economic matters. His crash course in economic theory and introduction to the backdrop of today’s economic reality is a small multi media contribution to the public demand to regain power from politicians and financial experts, who disguise their politics as economic laws of nature.

Musical lecture performance
Swiss Premiere
  • in English avec sous-titres en français
Ancienne Gare - Nouveau Monde
  • Wed 2.7. 20:00
  • 20.– / 15.– CHF
Booking recommended:



By & with: Amund Sjolie Sveen; production: Amund Sjolie Sveen; commissioned by: New Theatre Institute of Latvia; co-production by: NTIL and Barents Spektakel, Pikene på Broen (Norway).

  • Presentation at Belluard Festival with the support of: Performing Arts Hub Norway.

© Wolfgang Silveri