Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


Our archives

Ghelani Sheila


Covet me, care for me

Covet Me Care For Me is a durational performance installation in which the public can participate. The work encourages the viewer to consider love, the passing of time, dissemination and cross-fertilization. A series of staged covetable 'mongrel' objects, made to be taken home and cared for by you… Objects to be talked about, put in pride of place and above all else desired.

Installation & Performance
Swiss Premiere
Belluard Bollwerk
  • Sat 25.6. 18:00 - Sun 26.6. 21:30

    Bus navette au départ du Belluard toutes les 20 min. Shuttlebus ab Bollwerk alle 20 min.

  • Free

Concept / Konzept: Sheila Ghelani; assistante à Fribourg / Assistenz in Freiburg: Rajni Shah. Réalisé par / realisiert durch: Pacitti Company pour le / für: Spill Festival of Performance, London 2007

  • Remerciements / mit Dank an: Service des Bâtiments de la Ville de Fribourg, souffleur de verre Yann Oulevay, Transports publics fribourgeois.

© Sheila Ghelani