A very rich and various programme is waiting for you this weekend:

| | Giuseppe Chico & Barbara MatijevicForecastingPerformance Saturday 28.6. | 20:00 Le Bilboquet – SOLD OUT! more info |

| | Rabih Mroué & Hito SteyerlProbable Title: Zero ProbabilityLecture Performance Saturday 28.6. | 22:00 Belluard more info |

| | Jazz Brunchwith Julian Sartorius Sunday 29.6. | 11:00 Belluard more info |
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| | Rabih Mrouéin ConversationSunday 29.6. | 15:00 Fri Art more info |

| | Muziektheater TransparantLe coupeur d’eauTheatre Sunday 29.6. | 20:00 Ancienne Gare – Nouveau Monde more info |

| | Erwan Keravec + Salao Eléctrico ConcertsSunday 29.6. | 22:00 Belluard more info |

| | Art Basics for Children KamishibaiStories for children Saturday 28.6. & Sunday 29.6. 11:00–17:00
various places in the city more info |
Watch & Talk
goes public
Saturday 28.6. | 18:30
Don't miss the launch of the new public activity by the watch & talk group: the artists set up a programme, in which they will pair up audience members to see an event together and share their thoughts on it.
more info
Cinéma à 6:
The Ugly One
by Eric Baudelaire, with Rabih Mroué
Sunday 29.6. | 18:00
Cinema Rex
more info